"It takes a lot of courage to write a book like this. Most of us in the leadership development field write about practices, competencies, models and the like. Jim chose otherwise. In this wonderfully engaging book, Jim fearlessly draws upon his life and career experiences and shares with us a raw exposition of personal adversity, suffering and loss, and the pathways he took, through the rumble zone, to build a leadership development practice that has touched thousands. It takes a special person to put it all out there and that's exactly what Jim has done... and he did it for us." —Gregg Thompson, President, Bluepoint Leadership Development


Leadership Coach

Jim Boneau

Jim Boneau is an internationally recognized executive coach and facilitator of leadership and organizational development workshops. Jim has worked with senior and executive leaders in organizations including Microsoft, General Electric, Qualcomm, The Mayo Clinic, and American Airlines. Jim has worked extensively internationally, from coaching executives in a Greek shipping company to recently launching new initiatives in leadership coaching and development in China. Jim's expertise as an experiential facilitator has been sharpened by his work as a drum circle facilitator. Jim has partnered with Arthur Hull (the father of the drum circle movement) for 20 years, leading drum circle workshops around the globe. Jim has a master’s degree in Applied Behavioral Science from the Leadership Institute of Seattle and is a certified coach through the Hudson Institute. Jim can be reached at:


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    Webinar - Navigating Disruptive Change (27 minutes)

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